The Hugo Award winners are all amazing and I’m pissed I can’t say the same for the ceremony

I’ve already said a lot about the complete and total train wreck the Hugo Awards Ceremony was elsewhere… But I’m still furious. Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
I’ve already said a lot about the complete and total train wreck the Hugo Awards Ceremony was elsewhere… But I’m still furious. Continue Reading →
This isn’t the blog entry about WisCon that I wanted to write. WisCon 38 was the first WisCon I’d ever attended. I’d heard about the self-styled “World’s Leading Feminist Science Continue Reading →
I must have missed the memo about March being the month for cons to stick their feet in it, but we’ve had no less than three cons making highly questionable Continue Reading →
Geek may be “chic” but it seems not everyone’s gotten the message. Chi-Fi Con 2014, which billed itself as “a convention celebrating geekdom” announced today that it was canceling its Continue Reading →