C2E2 2018 Schedule

This weekend will mark my seventh C2E2 (the only year I missed was 2011), and I only (ha!) have four panels this year, so hopefully I’ll have more time to wander Artists’ Alley and catch up with friends. Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
This weekend will mark my seventh C2E2 (the only year I missed was 2011), and I only (ha!) have four panels this year, so hopefully I’ll have more time to wander Artists’ Alley and catch up with friends. Continue Reading →
May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month! Given the recent intense spate of conversations about Orientalism, whitewashing, and white saviorism in pop culture, I thought it would be useful to collect the Continue Reading →
As of yesterday, Invisible, the anthology collecting the essays written for Jim C. Hines’s guest writer series on representation and diversity in science fiction/fantasy, is live and available for purchase! As Continue Reading →