Kitchen Experiments: Egg Bites

On Thursday on social media I shared my experiments about making an approximation of the Starbucks sous vide egg bites that I love but do not want to get sucked into a habit of paying for often… Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
On Thursday on social media I shared my experiments about making an approximation of the Starbucks sous vide egg bites that I love but do not want to get sucked into a habit of paying for often… Continue Reading →
So naturally I was going to play with combining all these things: the flavor of bistek tagalog in the meat for shepherd’s pie, covered with mashed purple yam instead of white potatoes. And this is what I ended up with. Continue Reading →
In case you’ve missed how often I’ll wax poetic and nerd out about bacon, beef, and nearly all things cheese, no, I’m not vegan. My husband, however, is ova-vegetarian, so Continue Reading →
Chicago is a brilliant place to be a food geek, especially if you’re friends with people who run food co-ops like Edible Alchemy. Normally The Husbeast and I get our Continue Reading →