Where to Find Me at WisCon 43

This month has been a blur but ready or not, WisCon 43 is happening this weekend (May 24-28)! I’m looking forward to returning to Madison, WI, for my fifth (!!) Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
This month has been a blur but ready or not, WisCon 43 is happening this weekend (May 24-28)! I’m looking forward to returning to Madison, WI, for my fifth (!!) Continue Reading →
Starting today, I’ll be making the rounds at WisCon 42 in Madison, WI! Continue Reading →
April’s shaping up to be a busy month! I’ve got several events coming up in the Chicago area, including a post-screening panel on the technological and cultural themes in the Ready Player One film, panels at C2E2, and the next 20×2 readings and performance series… Continue Reading →
I’ve been invited to take part on two panels at the Chicago Book Expo this Sunday, October 1. The Expo goes from 12-5pm at Columbia College, 1104 S. Wabash, Chicago, IL, and is free to attend. Continue Reading →
WisCon 41 is in one week and I’m incredibly excited to see old friends at one of my favorite cons. This will be my fourth year at WisCon and while my Continue Reading →
Because I never do things in half-measures, next week, April 20-23 is going to be filled with panel appearances, comics, and con shenanigans! Continue Reading →
I’ll be discussing the finer points of building a healthy, inclusive nerd community at the Chicago Nerd Comedy Festival, taking place at Stage 773 in Lakeview, this coming Sunday, August 14, from 6-7pm. Continue Reading →
I finally got around to cutting and uploading the footage from the two C2E2 2016 panels I was able to record: “Fight the Power,” which I moderated with authors Rachel Caine, Arwen Elys Dayton, Michelle Hauck, and Lisa Yee, talking about themes of revolution in science fiction and fantasy; and “With Great Power: Mentoring the Next Generation of Geeks,” where I joined Wesley Sun, Lynne M. Thomas, Ytasha Womack, and Aaron Amendola (moderator) to talk about leadership and encouraging the growth of inclusive, vibrant geek communities and professions. Continue Reading →
I’m thrilled to be an invited guest (my first time ever!) at CONvergence in Bloomington, MN, just outside of Minneapolis, which runs June 30-July 3, 2016. I’m on 4 panels this year, all of which look like they’ll be great conversations: Continue Reading →
I’ll be at several conferences in May. Three, in fact. It’s going to be a busy month, but I’m looking forward to seeing old friends, checking out a bunch of panels, and meeting more SFF fans! I’m also clearly going to be drinking LOTS of coffee with this schedule. Continue Reading →