The Hugo Award winners are all amazing and I’m pissed I can’t say the same for the ceremony

I’ve already said a lot about the complete and total train wreck the Hugo Awards Ceremony was elsewhere… But I’m still furious. Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
I’ve already said a lot about the complete and total train wreck the Hugo Awards Ceremony was elsewhere… But I’m still furious. Continue Reading →
Several folks have asked for the text to my acceptance speech, so here is the transcript. My speech was pre-recorded at the request of CoNZealand. Many thanks to Uncanny Magazine Continue Reading →
Here’s a compilation of the work I produced in 2018 that is eligible for SF/F awards consideration. Continue Reading →
Holy crap, Uncanny Magazine is a finalist for the Best Semiprozine Hugo Award for a third time! Continue Reading →
So to get straight to it, here are works that I did in 2017 that are eligible for consideration in various categories for the Hugo Awards. Continue Reading →
I’d meant to get this post up before the Hugo nominations were open, but better late than never. It was a banner year for SF/F in multiple media formats, as Continue Reading →
Since it’s now That Time of Year when the SF/F community begins sharing lists of various works that are eligible for awards consideration (such as the Nebula Awards and Hugo Awards), I’m pleased to note I have pieces of work that I can list as eligible in several Hugo Award categories. Continue Reading →
If you haven’t been aware of the latest SFF kerfuffle since the list of 2014 Hugo Award nominees was released this past weekend, be warned, because here there be… sad and rabid puppies, apparently. Continue Reading →