2020 Hugo Awards acceptance speech

Several folks have asked for the text to my acceptance speech, so here is the transcript. My speech was pre-recorded at the request of CoNZealand. Many thanks to Uncanny Magazine Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
Several folks have asked for the text to my acceptance speech, so here is the transcript. My speech was pre-recorded at the request of CoNZealand. Many thanks to Uncanny Magazine Continue Reading →
My first con of 2020 is coming up and I’m pleased to share I’ll be at C2E2 again from February 28-March 1. I’m on two panels this year and pretty Continue Reading →
In many ways, 2019 was a year of transition for me in SF/F. Early in the year, I announced that 2019 would be my last year on Uncanny Magazine‘s editorial Continue Reading →
It’s the first Tuesday of the month, which means Part 1 of Uncanny Magazine‘s latest issue is now free to read online (subscribers get the FULL contents of Issue 28 Continue Reading →
I’m so incredibly proud to share that Uncanny Magazine is a finalist for the 2019 Best Semiprozine Hugo Award! This is our fourth time being a finalist at the Hugo Awards… Continue Reading →
I was thrilled to contribute a short essay to The Establishment’s roundtable feature, “The Significance of (Finally) Seeing Yourself in Star Wars.” Continue Reading →
A lot of this post was something I’d intended to write after C2E2 2014, but of course life happened and next thing I knew, it was time to prepare for Continue Reading →
Yes, I know, I’ve been a complete slacker with keeping up the blog, but in my defense, I haven’t been a slacker in other projects! Aside from diving right into Continue Reading →
Blame Springtime, but I somehow got it into my head that the website could use some refreshing and changed the WordPress theme. I was previously using Gridiculous, but I wanted Continue Reading →
I’ve finally gotten around to setting up other social media channels for the blog, so if you want to follow Geek Melange elsewhere, now you can: Google+ – https://google.com/+Geekmelangeblog Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/GeekMelange Continue Reading →