Today’s Edition of Squee: Being Published on Jim C. Hines’s Website

A few weeks ago, fantasy author Jim C. Hines put out a call for guest bloggers to submit article ideas for a series on diversity and representation in science fiction/fantasy Continue Reading →

I Wish There Weren’t So Many Reasons to Talk About Discrimination in Geek Culture, But the Hits Just Keep Coming

It’s no secret I spend a lot of time talking about social issues in geek culture/fandom. Partly it’s because I’m genuinely fascinated by the social dynamics on display, and as Continue Reading →

Dear Westin Chicago River North: You Have Chosen… Poorly (Updated 1/17/14)

Geek may be “chic” but it seems not everyone’s gotten the message. Chi-Fi Con 2014, which billed itself as “a convention celebrating geekdom” announced today that it was canceling its Continue Reading →

Geeks, Gate-Keeping and Girls: Our C2E2 Interview on the Chicago Nerd Social Club Podcast

In early March 2013, the Chicago Nerd Social Club Podcast invited the members of the “Exorcising the Spectre of the Fake Geek Girl” C2E2 panel for an interview. Although we had Continue Reading →