Uncanny Magazine is nominated for a Hugo Award!

Yes, you read that right. Uncanny Magazine has been nominated for the Best Semiprozine Hugo Award! Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
Yes, you read that right. Uncanny Magazine has been nominated for the Best Semiprozine Hugo Award! Continue Reading →
I’d meant to get this post up before the Hugo nominations were open, but better late than never. It was a banner year for SF/F in multiple media formats, as Continue Reading →
CONTENT NOTE: This post will discuss harassment and will contain examples of victim-blaming and gaslighting language and behavior. Last weekend, Lauren Faits, who runs the Geek Girl Chicago blog at ChicagoNow, Continue Reading →
Since it’s now That Time of Year when the SF/F community begins sharing lists of various works that are eligible for awards consideration (such as the Nebula Awards and Hugo Awards), I’m pleased to note I have pieces of work that I can list as eligible in several Hugo Award categories. Continue Reading →
I was thrilled to contribute a short essay to The Establishment’s roundtable feature, “The Significance of (Finally) Seeing Yourself in Star Wars.” Continue Reading →
If 2015 was about transition, then I hope to make 2016 about building new skills, having better patience with myself, reconnecting with the things I enjoy doing and people I love spending time with, and giving myself permission to take a break once in awhile. Continue Reading →
With Uncanny Magazine’s Kickstarter for Year Two: The Return of the Space Unicorn in full swing (50% funded before the end of Day One!), Wizard World Chicago almost snuck up on me. Continue Reading →
A year ago, Lynne and Michael Thomas made me the offer of a lifetime: become managing editor for their brand new publication Uncanny: A Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Sometimes Continue Reading →
If you haven’t been aware of the latest SFF kerfuffle since the list of 2014 Hugo Award nominees was released this past weekend, be warned, because here there be… sad and rabid puppies, apparently. Continue Reading →
A lot of this post was something I’d intended to write after C2E2 2014, but of course life happened and next thing I knew, it was time to prepare for Continue Reading →