Dublin 2019, the 77th World Science Fiction Convention, is in two weeks! I’m so excited to go, as this will be the first trip to Dublin for myself and Jesse, and the first time we’ll have visited Europe together. If you’ll be at the convention, you can find me on the following program items:
Friday, August 16, 2019
How creators and fans respond to political unrest
11:30am-12:20pm | Point Square: Odeon 2
The political climate has always influenced creators and their output – for better and for worse – and fans have responded accordingly. Have the ways in which political influences are felt changed over the years? Are creators’ responses ever at odds with their fans, or vice versa?
John R. Douglas (M), Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Michi Trota, David Cartwright, Julia Rios
Cultural appropriation: a product of a shrinking world?
2:00-2:50pm | CCD: Liffey Hall-2
White SFF authors have historically appropriated other cultures to add depth and excitement to their characters: The Wheel of Time takes the culture of POC and gives it to the Aiel, and Frank Herbert appropriates Islam and applies it to the Fremen. With relatively easy access to travel and digital information these days, how can we make use of a range of influences while avoiding cultural appropriation?
Dr Wanda Kurtçu (M), Michi Trota, Fulvio Gatti
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Kaffeeklatsch: Michi Trota
2:00-2:50pm | CCD: Level 3 Foyer
Creating healthy fannish communities
3:00-3:50pm | CCD: Wicklow Room-3
Gatekeeping and other toxic behaviours are easy to slip into and unfortunately have become entrenched in some fan communities. What can we do to combat these and, more importantly, prevent them from becoming dominant in the first place? Our panelists will strategise ways to keep these behaviours from taking root, so that we can have the positive, accepting, and diverse fan cultures that we deserve.
Meg Frank (M), Elio García Jr., Bruno Puelles, Michi Trota
(Alas! This panel is scheduled against the Asian fans/creators meet up so I’m quite sorry I’m going to miss it this year.)
Hugo Awards Reception
6:00-8:00pm |The Convention Centre Dublin
Hugo Awards Ceremony
8:00-10:00pm |The Convention Centre Dublin
You can view the complete Dublin 2019 schedule here.
I look forward to seeing my friends, colleagues, and fellow finalists, and being able to celebrate our accomplishments together. Come by and say hello!