“Letting the Jerks Get to You” Isn’t Really the Problem

It’s no secret that being a woman in geek culture often means you’ve got a long row to hoe uphill, particularly if you want to become a game designer, comic Continue Reading →
The Nerd Must Flow: A Geek Woman's Musings on All Things Nerd and Beyond
It’s no secret that being a woman in geek culture often means you’ve got a long row to hoe uphill, particularly if you want to become a game designer, comic Continue Reading →
Because I apparently can’t help but over schedule myself, I’ll be part of five panels for my first-ever WisCon experience. I’m beyond excited to be a part of this – Continue Reading →
The nominations list for the 2014 Hugo Awards was released yesterday and Easter weekend news release timing aside, it’s already been a topic of considerable discussion. To say the list is Continue Reading →
Yes, I wish we didn’t need to keep having this conversation too, but even though we’re barely three months into the new year, there have already been several high-profile blow-ups Continue Reading →
As of yesterday, Invisible, the anthology collecting the essays written for Jim C. Hines’s guest writer series on representation and diversity in science fiction/fantasy, is live and available for purchase! As Continue Reading →
This C2E2-related event is a fundraising benefit for Reading With Pictures, a local charity that encourages literacy through the use of comics and “provides practical advice and material assistance to educators Continue Reading →
Thanks to Liz Hoffman of Project 891 Theatre’s Nerd Trivia for providing this write up. If you love showing off your nerd trivia skills, this is a can’t-miss event at Continue Reading →
Chicago is a brilliant place to be a food geek, especially if you’re friends with people who run food co-ops like Edible Alchemy. Normally The Husbeast and I get our Continue Reading →
This moderated discussion taking place in the C2E2 Fan Village is being run by CNSC Board Member, Gordon Dymowski. When Gordon isn’t running the Chicago Doctor Who Meetup, he’s blogging Continue Reading →
Between recovering from Chi-Fi on Saturday and a nasty migraine, I’m a little behind. I’m pleased to say, however, that C2E2/ReedPOP responded positively to the open letter expressing concerns about Continue Reading →