Missed the Exorcising the Spectre of the Fake Geek Girl panel at C2E2? If you’re attending the Wizard World Chicago Comic Con Aug. 8-11, here’s your chance to see what all the fuss is about.
Sunday, August 11, 2014
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Room 50
5555 N River Rd, Rosemont, IL 60018
10min. walk from the CTA Blue Line Rosemont stop
Parking available
Con passes required for entry
The aim of the panel remains the same: demystify the spectre of the “fake geek girl” that’s been haunting geek culture; address how the “fake geek girl” issue connected to strains of gate-keeping and sexism in geek culture; answer the question of if “fake geek girls” really exist and if so, does it even really matter; talk about why there is a perception that they are invading geek spaces; and ask who gets to define what makes one a “real geek” anyway?
The panel will include a moderated discussion among the panelists, followed by a Q&A session with the audience.
While we’ll be revisiting some of the ground we covered in C2E2, we’ll also be pushing the discussion further, because this is an on-going dialog. We’re extremely exited to be bringing this panel to a venue like Chicago Comic Con!
Most of the original panelists will be returning for this edition: Carlye Frank will once again be our moderator, and the panel will consist of Erin Tipton, Laura Koroski, Dawn Xiana Moon, myself, and introducing gamer & writer, Kate Lansky.
If you’d like to familiarize yourself with the kind of panel we’ll be running, please check out the following links:
Pre-C2E2 panel interview on the Chicago Nerd Social Club podcast.
Fantastic write-up by BonnieBeth at Mad Art Lab

That was the line 30min before the panel opened for seating at C2E2! photo credit to Great Eye Films
We have no idea how big the room is, so given the strength of the response we had at the C2E2 panel, it’s highly advised to show up early. Hopefully we’ll be able to record this panel as well, but it’s not guaranteed.
Also, I’m thrilled to confirm that Chicago Comic Con does, in fact, have a harassment policy, which applies to all Wizard World cons and can be found on their Con FAQ page:
Wizard World Anti-Harassment Policy:
• Wizard World is committed to providing a safe and fun experience for all attendees, exhibitors, guests and staff. As such, all are entitled to respectful treatment at Wizard World conventions and associated events. Wizard World will not tolerate inappropriate behavior of any kind, including but not limited to harassment because of age, disability, marital status, race or color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.• Any threatening behavior with the intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment or embarrass another is unacceptable and grounds for removal from the convention without refund. If unacceptable behavior continues upon being escorted from the show floor, local authorities will be contacted and criminal charges may follow.
• Anyone who sees or feels that their experience is being compromised due to unacceptable or questionable behavior is encouraged to speak with Wizard World staff immediately with any concerns for appropriate action. Wizard World staff can be located in the Registration area and throughout the show floor in black polo shirts marked STAFF.
So countdown to the con is 12 days and counting. We hope you’ll join us!